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Dirty-South Blues Harp forum: wail on! > SPAH Comb Test Players
SPAH Comb Test Players
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Brendan Power
71 posts
Aug 06, 2010
6:30 PM
I now have confirmation of the six players for the SPAH Comb Test. They represent all the main embouchures:

Dave Barrett, Brandon Bailey

Chris Michalek, Alex Paclin

Jimi Lee

Cara Cooke

I'm really pleased with the quality and stylistic diversity of the players. Listening to them will make the test an interesting entertainment event, concurrent with the science. Each player will play 10 times for 20 seconds per test.

All the sound clips will be recorded and put through spectrum analysis software. In addition to the player impressions and graphs of the comb sounds, we could get some interesting variations between embouchures that might be discerned with the spectrum analysis.

After the test, all sound clips will be posted online along with the free software for anyone who wants to analyse things further.

Test info and photos on my website (click link at top left).

Brendan Power
WEBSITE: http://www.brendan-power.com
YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/BrendanPowerMusic

Last Edited by on Aug 06, 2010 6:36 PM
Jay Gaunt
9 posts
Aug 07, 2010
9:40 AM
I'd love to do it if you need another mixed player. If not, don't worry. I'd just like to help
26 posts
Aug 07, 2010
10:39 AM
Really looking forward to this. I appreciate that you are including the player impressions but I would like to know how you'll deal with that information. Also, can you clarify how you have controlled for other variables? Example, the obvious one, key choice and how the harp is set up. Thanks.
Brendan Power
73 posts
Aug 10, 2010
8:36 PM
Thanks Jay, really good of you to offer :-) We have the players arranged, but if you want to help me with sound recording on the day, that would be great. We can talk about it at SPAH.
947 posts
Aug 10, 2010
11:54 PM
So, will this be individual results for each player? Because otherwise I see there is already some faults here.
282 posts
Aug 11, 2010
12:49 AM
Zack, I see you've added me on skype. I am online if you look in the morning.

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